Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Try These 5 Pressure Points to Sleep Better

Do you stay awake all night and do not tend to fall asleep even after working throughout the day? And because you do not feel sleepy you take the help of chemical-based drugs? However, do you know the side-effect associated with consuming sleeping pills? Well, do not be scared. Why opt for drugs if you can have a good night sleep only with best acupressure treatment from home.
In this uncertain and hectic world, often people develop sleeping disorders. People with these disorders either sleep for longer or shorter hours than required. Sleeping disorders such as Insomnia is a condition where is person might not fall asleep easily or may interrupt sleep without being interrupted. Although, drugs can make you sleep it might not cure the problem. This is when acupressure works. There are certain points across our body which stimulates the energy circulation of the entire body.
There are many acupressure therapists in Delhi but there are also some tricks you can try at home without the assistance of the second party. Discussed below are the five major pressure points that stimulate you to sleep.
Spirit gate
In order to locate this point take a 15cm ruler and place it in the middle of the pinkie finger vertically. Now, look beneath the wrist just adjacent to the place where the pulse is checked. Adjust your finger in the cavity and press firmly.
Inner Frontier gate
This point is located in between the pulse and spirit gate but just 1cm below. This pressure has to be created while resting. Thus, a second party may require performing this for utmost relaxation.
Under Toe
It is also known as bubbling spring point which is located underneath your foot. It is the tiny pool that forms when you curl your foot. Hold your thumb on the position and massage in the circular motion.
Wind Pool
These are two points which are located adjacent to each other. It is placed on the back of the neck where neck muscles touch the skull bone. Now take your hand and locate the precise position. Adjust your grip on the dent and firmly massage the area in a circular motion. It is the best acupressure treatment for insomnia.
Even if the condition does not get better you can still visit any acupressure therapist in Delhi and get your treated.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Benefit of Massages for Weight Loss; Udvartana Massage Therapy

Finally, the day has when you don’t have to cut on your favorite food and chocolates to maintain your shape or get in shape. The painless remedy has been finally unveiled as massage. Yes! You read it right. Now you can lose all excess pounds only by having a massage which always gives in some extra benefits. Hold up! If in the capital state of country India, then is rest assured about finding ayurvedic body massage in Delhi.
Benefit of Massages for Weight Loss
Well, before you dive into this write to indentify the particular type of massage that will assure you a perfectly toned body, go through the benefit of massages when losing weight is associated with it.
Increase Blood Circulation
Be it any massage, continues rubbing on the body with an external force will gradually improve the blood circulation of the entire body. A full body massage such as Udvartana powder massage for weight loss is especially designed to reduce weight by increasing the blood circulation of every single part of the body.
Stress Reliever
Have you heard saying anyone that they are not feeling relaxed after having a body massage? No right? The first and foremost objective of every type of massage is to reduce stress be it of mental or physical. Stress is one of the factors why people tend to eat more. Thus, this has to go.
Tones Skin and muscles
You might have seen many who losses weight within matter of a month but what they are left with is excess skin and loose muscles. Thus, having a full body massage once to twice a month can actually tone your skin and muscles giving it a glowing look.  ayurvedic body massage in delhi is a must try if you reside in Delhi.
Udvartana Massage
Udvartana is one massage among the Panchakarma therapy where the whole body is massaged with either fluid, powdered herbs or a fusion of the both. Is has proved to be one of the best massages to reduce weight. Especially, to mention, Udvartana powder massage for weight loss is being preferred by many people across India. It only helps in shedding excess weight but provides the above-mentioned benefits along with it.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your appointment and avail your first body massage. Good days have arrived.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

5 Best and Essential Ayurvedic Treatments

Whenever you feel any discomfort what you generally do is, you rush to the drug store to get some chemical-based drugs for yourself. In fact, this suddenly soothes the problem but do not stop the problem to reoccur. This is where Ayurveda has bit chemical based treatments. Ayurvedic treatments are known for its holistic, effective and lasting healing methods. People residing in northern India can avail these treatments from the renowned Ayurvedic centre in Delhi.

Panchakarma, a Sanskrit term which translates to Five Procedure, is holistic Ayurvedic treatment which includes five procedures of purification. These five procedures are Vamana, which is a procedure of eliminating the excessive toxin store in the stomach from the mouth. Second, Virechana is the procedure of purgation. The third is Nasyam, which is a cleansing procedure of head and neck. Forth, Sneh Vasti is a procedure of medicated oil enema. Kashaya, it is a procedure of medicated decoction.

Abhyangam is a general massage which is done for indented relaxation of the different part of the body. This massage uses certain techniques which are meant to treat musculoskeletal disorders pertaining to muscles and joints. This therapy helps in boosting the blood circulation of the body, reducing distress, improves arthritic conditions, slows down aging, improves the functioning of different organs of the body, etc. It is the best holistic health treatment in Delhi.

This therapy is also associated with total relaxation and rejuvenation of mental health. This therapy uses an ancient technique of pouring medicated from a certain height only on the forehead. This continues for a specific period of time which allows the oil to reach hair strains. You can find this therapy in any Ayurvedic centre in Delhi.
Choornakizhi is a therapy of fomentation which is done with the help of Kizhi. There are certain resting positions that the client is made to follow during the procedure. It helps in reducing inflammation, tones skin, relieves pain, etc. This is also known to be the best holistic health treatment in Delhi.
Swedhanam is an herbal treatment which is given through the medium of the steam bath. This therapy helps in opening skin pores, relaxing the mind, and the body improves the immune system, eliminates toxins and slows down aging.

Therefore, these are 5 best and essential Ayurvedic therapies everybody should have at least one time in a month.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Benefits and Myths Associated with Pilates

Are you a nerve patient? Do you feel discomfort behind the knee or under your feet after walking for a certain time? You might mistake it with the symptoms of an underlying which could actually be the fault of your alignment. However, you don't have to worry. With certain information regarding physical therapy and Pilates, you can actually fix your dismantled alignment and flexibility.
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of physical exercise which includes movements in unique postures. It is a low-impact form of exercise which intends to keep the muscle tissue healthy making it flexible. Where the general exercises work on the other parts on the body Pilates targets the core of the body. Pilates can be done with or without any equipment. The movements of postures are slow, steady, and focus on breathing control.
What are the benefits of practicing Pilates?
Well, every physical exercise has numerous common benefits namely, jogging, cardio, Zumba, etc. However, Pilates is known for the core healing techniques that are easily available among the best Ayurvedic centre in Delhi these are the other benefits associated with Pilates:
Improves posture
Pilates, as mentioned before, targets core exercise which helps in correcting the alignment of the limbs and other parts of the body which involves bending or stretching. Low back and other back conditions such as arthritis, strains can get cured by regular practice of Pilates.
Tones Muscle
People who have gone through, gastric bypass surgery or any diet plan which has lost excessive weight can benefit from Pilates. The slow, steady movements involved in physical therapy and Pilates helps in toning the loosen skin. It also helps in restoring the damaged muscles and skin cells.
Increases mobility
As discussed before, Pilates improves postures and flexibility. Therefore, it simultaneously increases the mobility of the practitioner. It helps in curing posture impairments such as scoliosis and kyphosis.
Mental peace
Pilates is kind of a mindfulness meditation which centralizes on improving breathing. While correcting the breathing process, inhalation and exhalation of air send positive notes to the brain. As a result, your mind feels fresh and rejuvenating giving you peace of mind. You can avail these services among the best Ayurvedic centre in Delhi.
What are the myths associated with Pilates?
1.    One of the well-rumored myths about Pilates is that people consider it a type of Yoga. Although, Yoga tends to lose weight the same doesn’t happen all the times with Pilates. Pilates may or may not help in weight loss.
2.    Pilates is proved to be very helpful to pregnant women and women above the age of 40. Thus, it has become sexist and men think it is not meant for men
3.    Another myth associated with Pilates is that one needs certain equipment in order to perform Pilates.
Therefore, these are the benefits and myths associated with Pilates. In short, Pilates is a procedure of full-body exercise which will enable the practitioner to carry out any physical activity better.